Editorial Board 2019-2021

Editorial in Chief

Heru Suwardianto, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep; Kediri Baptist Hospital College, Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia
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Editors Board Members 

1. Indonesia Country

Heri Saputro, S.Kep.,Ns., M.Kep, (Executive Editor), IIK STRADA Indonesia, East Java, Indonesia
Dr. Muhammad Hasinuddin, S.Kep., M.Kes, STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura, East Java, Indonesia
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Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Sp.PD., M.Kes., FINASIM., University of Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
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Rachmawaty M. Noer, Ners, M. Kes, STIKES Awal Bros Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia
Dr. Agus Supinganto, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kes, STIKES YARSI Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
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Ns. Ismail Fahmi, M.Kep., Sp. Kep. KMB, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Jambi, Indonesia
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Anastasia Suci Sukmawati, MNg, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2. Ethiopia Country

Habtamu Wondimu (M.A),  Wolkite University, Gubrei, Webe Bridge, Ethiopia

3. India Country

Jagat Pal Yadav, Department of Pharmacology, Kamla Nehru Institute of Management and Technology Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh, India
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Ananda, SS, M.Sc Nursing, RN, RM, Yenepoya Nursing College, Yenepoya Deemed to be University, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India

4. Turkey Country

Mustafa Azizoglu MD, PhD, Dicle University, Department of Pediatric Surgery Diyarbakır,  Turkey

5. Israel Country

Hani Abu Tziam, MD, PhD, Department of Family Medicine, Clalit City lod, Israel
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6. Germany Country

Diego Falchi,MD, PhD, Department of Medical Science, Germany
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Secretariat, Administrators, IT Support

David Kurniawan Wicaksono

Editor Secretary

Andri Purwo Hartono

Copy Editor

Niken Ayu Puspitasari