Editorial Policies

Table of contents: 

Aim, Scope, and Focus

Section Policies

Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent

Peer Review Process /Policy

The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism

Publication Frequency

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Corrections, Retractions, Expressions of Concern, and Widrawal Policy

Privacy Statement

Advertising Policy

Copyright Notice

Digital Archiving Policy

Deposit Policy

Data Sharing Policy

Repository Policy

Open Access Policy

Initiative for Open Citations

Publication Information

Publisher Disclaimer

License Police


Aim, Scope, and Focus

The Primary Aim of the Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is to promote evidence-based policy and practice by publishing high-quality research, systematic and other scholarly reviews, critical discussion or perception studies. The JANH seeks studies that use the most rigorous designs and methodologies appropriate for the research topic of interest to evaluate and comprehend complicated healthcare interventions and health policies. The JANH aims to improve research quality by publishing methodological papers introducing or expanding on analytic tools, measurements, and research procedures. The JANH also aims to disseminate research results to other researchers so that they can be developed and become active in the clinical or community area in the nursing and health sector based on evidence.

The Focus of the JANH is original research, case studies, review studies (scoping reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses), perspective studies, protocol studies, and the development of other research designs related to nursing and health sciences.

The Scope of the JANH includes nursing,  and health sciences [public health, midwifery, family medicine, pharmacy in the health community, nutrition in health, health psychology, rehabilitation, epidemiology in health, leadership and management in health, health policy, hospital administration, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and education in nursing and health].



Section Policies


imageOpen Submissions imageChecked Indexed imageChecked Peer Reviewed


imageOpen Submissions imageChecked Indexed image Checked Peer Reviewed



Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent

Conflict of Interest

A Declaration of Conflicting Interests policy refers to a formal policy a journal may have to require a conflict-of-interest statement or disclosure from a submitting or publishing author(s)—guideline based on COPE. Conflicts of interest arise when author(s), reviewers, or editors have interests that are not fully apparent and that may influence their judgments on what is published. They have been described as those which, when revealed later, would make a reasonable reader feel misled or deceived.

  • Reviewers: To ensure that the review process is free of conflicts of Interest: 1) Editors should select a guest or section editor when there is a conflict of interest concerning an author(s). Editors should ensure that reviewers are free of conflict of interest concerning an author(s). 2) Reviewers should contact the editorial office to declare any potential conflicts of interest in advance of reviewing an article.3) Minor conflicts do not disqualify a reviewer from reporting on an article but will be taken into account when considering the reviewer’s recommendations.
  • Author(s): All author(s) and co-author(s) are required to disclose any potential conflict of interest when submitting their article (e.g., employment, consulting fees, research contracts, stock ownership, patent licenses, advisory affiliations, etc.). If the article is subsequently accepted for publication, this information should be included in the end section.
  • Editors: Editors should not make any editorial decisions or get involved in the editorial process if they have any conflicts of Interest (financial or otherwise) for a submitted manuscript. An editor may have conflicts of Interest if a manuscript is submitted from their academic department or institution in such situations; The JANH has a policy that is When an editor submits their work to their journal, a colleague in the editorial office must manage the manuscript, and the editor/author(s) must withdraw from the discussion and decision about it.

Human Participants

Our policy is to ensure that all articles published by the JANH report on work that is morally acceptable and expects the author(s) to follow the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki. To achieve this, we aim to appraise the ethical aspects of any submitted work that involves human participants, whatever descriptive label is given to that work, including research, audit, and sometimes debate.

All research must have been carried out within an appropriate ethical framework. If there is suspicion that work has not occurred within an appropriate ethical framework, Editors may reject the manuscript and/or contact the author(s)’ ethics committee. On rare occasions, the Editor has serious concerns about the ethics of a study, the manuscript may be rejected on ethical grounds, even if approval from an ethics committee has been obtained.

Statement of Ethics Approval

We require every research article submitted to include a statement that the study obtained ethics approval (or a statement that it was not required and why), including the name of the ethics committee or institutional review board, the number/ID of the approval, and a statement that participants gave informed consent before taking part.

In addition, we welcome detailed explanations of how investigators and author(s) have considered and justified their work's ethical and moral basis. If such detail does not easily fit into the manuscript, please provide it in the cover letter or upload it as a supplemental file when submitting the article. We will also be pleased to see copies of explanatory information given to participants. Even if we do not include such detailed information in a final published version, we may make it available to peer reviewers and editorial committees. We have already asked peer reviewers to consider and comment on the ethics of the submitted work.

Appraisal of Ethical Issues

Editorial appraisal of ethical issues goes beyond simply deciding whether participants in a study gave informed consent, although this is one very important issue to consider. Editors should judge whether the overall design and conduct of each piece of work are morally justifiable, as summed up by the following questions:

  • How much does this deviate from current normal (accepted, local) clinical practice?
  • What is the (additional) burden imposed on the patients (or others)?
  • What are (additional) risks posed to the patients (or others)?
  • What benefit might accrue to the patients (or others)?
  • What are the potential benefits to society (future patients)?

Even when a study has been approved by a research ethics committee or institutional review board, editors may be worried about the ethics of the work. Editors may then ask the author(s) for more detailed information, such as:

  • How they justified the ethical and moral basis of the work
  • to provide the contact details of the research ethics committee that reviewed the work so that the journal can request further information and justification from that committee
  • to explain what ethical issues they considered and how they justified their work for studies that have not been reviewed by research ethics committees or institutional review boards

Editors may ask other editorial colleagues to evaluate the ethical aspects of an article, the author(s) comments, and the response of the relevant research ethics committee to the journal’s queries about ethics approval. This consultation may be informal, between the journal’s editors, or more formal, through seeking the advice of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Problems referred to COPE will be considered anonymous summaries of the relevant articles written by the editors concerned.

What happens when the journal considers a study to be unethical?

We believe that editors must take on issues of unethical audit or research, not to seek punishment for the author(s), but to prevent unethical practices and to protect patients.

Suppose the Editor, with or without the advice of its ethics committee and/or COPE, considers the work in a submitted article ethically unsound. In that case, the editor may seek further advice or recommend an investigation or action. The fact that the article would have been rejected anyway for other scientific or editorial reasons would not prevent the editor from taking such further action on serious ethics problems.

In the first instance, the editor would usually contact the head of the department where the work was done to explain their concerns and recommend a local investigation. Secondly, the editor might write to the professional registration body of the paper’s guarantor or principal investigator.

Exceptional circumstances

In rare instances, the journal might publish an article despite ethical problems in its reported work. The usual reason would be that work done in one setting might not reach the ethical standard of work done in another because of differing local resources and standards for health care and research. In deciding to publish such an article, we would consider the study's context carefully and aim to balance the overall benefit to society against the possible harm to the research participants.

Animal Participants

All material published in JANH that reports experiments performed using animals must adhere to high ethical standards concerning animal welfare. Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if the work described: 1) follows international, national, and institutional guidelines for the humane treatment of animals and complies with relevant legislation; 2) has been approved by the ethics review committee at the institution or practice at which the studies were conducted (where such a committee exists); 3) for studies involving non-human primates, demonstrates that the standards meet those of the NC3Rs primates guidelines; 4) for studies using client-owned animals, demonstrates a high standard (best practice) of veterinary care, and involves informed client consent.

Before a manuscript can be accepted, the author(s) must:

  • Confirm that legal and ethical requirements have been met regarding the humane treatment of animals described in the study;
  • Specify the ethical review committee approval process in the Materials or Methods section and the international, national, and/or institutional guidelines followed.

Editors can reject manuscripts based on ethical or animal welfare concerns. Papers may be rejected on ethical grounds if the study involves unnecessary pain, distress, suffering, or lasting harm to animals or if the severity of the experimental procedure does not appear to be justified by the value of the work presented.

What happens when the journal considers a study unethical?

Manuscripts describing animal research must include a justification for the use of animals and the particular species used. They should also provide details of animal welfare, including information about housing, feeding, and environmental enrichment, a description of steps taken to minimize suffering, humane endpoints, and the method of euthanasia. If the study has any implication for the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement), these should be discussed in enough detail so that readers can implement the 3Rs in similar experiments.

Informed consent

In the JANH, patients have a right to privacy that should not be violated without informed consent. Identifying information, including names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable patient be shown the manuscript to be published. Author(s) should disclose to these patients whether any potentially identifiable material might be available online or in print after publication. As local regulations or laws dictate, patient consent should be written and archived with the journal, author(s), or both. Nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent should be obtained if there is doubt that anonymity can be maintained. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, author(s) should provide assurance, and editors should note that such alterations do not distort scientific meaning. When informed consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the published article.



Peer Review Process/Policy

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) in the publication of the author(s) article through a fast and precise publication process through an initial assessment by the editor and the editorial team. The goal is to decide whether the submitted manuscript can be peer-reviewed or rejected for the right reasons.

The Chief Editor decides to publish the manuscript based on the assessment of the editorial team and/or peer review. A committee of editors and members of the reviewer team assesses manuscripts. Its purpose is to decide whether the manuscript will continue to be sent to peer reviewers and provide a quick decision for evaluation or assessment. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on novelty or relevance to scope at the JANH.

If there is a condition, a manuscript is returned to the author(s) with a request for manuscript improvement to make it easier for editors and reviewers to decide whether the manuscript can be reviewed. The decision-making process includes:

  • Initial Editorial Assessment: The JANH conducts an initial assessment by the editorial committee and editors consisting of editorial team members to decide whether the submitted manuscript will be submitted for peer review. The primary purpose is to decide whether to send the paper for peer review or to reject it. The main point is scope, originality, compliance with the guideline, and language. Sometimes a paper will be returned to the author(s) requesting revisions to help editors decide whether to send it out for reviews. Author(s) may expect the decision of the Initial Editorial Assessment from this stage of the review process will be given approximately 3 weeks after submission.
  • Review Process: Manuscripts that pass the initial Editorial Assessment, then a review is carried out by a minimum of two reviewers based on their expertise with method a double-blind review process, which means the author(s) and peer-reviewers do not know each other’s identity. The review process is approximately 3 weeks from review to completion of one stage of the review process. If there is a difference in indecision between the two reviewers, the editor will seek the consideration of a third reviewer. The reviewers should complete the review within three weeks in each reviewing round after the review request was sent.
  • Editor's Decision: The decision to accept for publication is based on the peer reviewer's recommendations, based on which two acceptance recommendations are required. If there is a difference between the two reviewers’ recommendations, the editor has the right to seek the third reviewer's consideration. The final decision to publish is made by the editor-in-chief and editorial committee (national or international advisory board), considering the reviewers' advice. The final decision of the manuscript (accepted, accepted with minor revision, accepted with major revision, rejected or re-submit) is made by Editor in Chief (together with Editorial Board if required) based on the reviewers’ critical comments. The editor’s decision is final. The decision will be given approximately 3 weeks after the review.
  • Final Report: The final report of the decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author(s), along with any recommendations made by the reviewers that may include verbatim comments.



The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the copying and disclosure of other people's thoughts or words or other people's articles or themselves, which makes it appear as if they are the result of one's wealth without permission or acknowledgment, or by not citing the source correctly or being unable to search. Plagiarism can take various forms of taking other people's work, from copying literature or paraphrasing other people's work.

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) applies the policy of screening for plagiarism. All articles in this publication are original: each article's content (in whole or in part) has not been knowingly republished without specific citation to the original release. The JANH checks for plagiarism on manuscripts using a credible plagiarism detector, Turnitin. The JANH will immediately reject papers that contain plagiarism that exceeds the specified limit or self-plagiarism occurs. Plagiarism is not acceptable in JANH submissions. Manuscripts in the Initial Editorial Assessment Step are checked for plagiarism before starting the review process.

  • Manuscripts declared to have passed must have at least a less than 20% similarity level.
  • Should we find more than 20% of the similarity index, the article will be returned to the author(s) for correction and resubmission. Manuscripts with a low level of similarity mean the quality of the writing is good and can be continued to be given to reviewers.
  • When plagiarism is identified, the Editor in Chief is responsible for the review of this paper and will agree on measures according to the extent of plagiarism detected in the paper in agreement with the following guidelines:

Level of Plagiarism

  • Minor: A short article section is plagiarized without significant data or ideas from the other paper. Action: A warning is given to the author(s), and a request to change the text and properly cite the original article is made
  • Intermediate: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized without proper citation to the original paper. Action: The submitted article is rejected, and the author(s) are forbidden to submit further articles for one year
  • Severe: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized that involves reproducing original results or ideas presented in another publication. Action: The paper is rejected, and the author(s) are forbidden to submit further articles for five years.

Things to note:

  • It is understood that all author(s) are responsible for the content of their submitted paper as they all read and understand JANH's Copyright and Licensing Terms. If a penalty is imposed for plagiarism, all author(s) will be subject to the same penalty.
  • Suppose the second case of plagiarism by the same author(s) is identified. In that case, a decision on the measures to be enforced will be made by the Editorial board (Editor-in-Chief and Editorial members) with the Chair of the editor-in-chief. The author(s) might be forbidden to submit further articles forever.
  • This policy applies also to material reproduced from another publication by the same author(s). If an author(s) uses text or figures that have previously been published, the corresponding paragraphs or figures should be identified and the previous publication referenced. It is understood that much of the material was previously published in the case of a review paper or a paper of a tutorial nature.
  • The author(s) should identify the source of the previously published material and obtain permission from the original author(s) and the publisher. Suppose an author(s) submits a manuscript to JANH with significant overlap with a manuscript submitted to another journal simultaneously, and this overlap is discovered during the review process or after the publications of both papers. In that case, the editor of the other journal is notified, and the case is treated as a severe plagiarism case. Significant overlap means using identical or almost identical figures and identical or slightly modified text for one-half or more of the paper. For self-plagiarism of less than one-half of the paper but more than one-tenth of the paper, the case shall be treated as intermediate plagiarism. If self-plagiarism is confined to the methods section, the case shall be considered minor plagiarism.
  • Suppose an author(s) uses some of his previously published material to clarify the presentation of new results. In that case, the previously published material shall be identified, and the difference to the present publication shall be mentioned. Permission to republish must be obtained from the copyright holder. In the case of a manuscript initially published in conference proceedings and then submitted for publication in JANH either in identical or expanded form, the author(s) must identify the name of the conference proceedings and the publication date and obtain permission to republish from the copyright holder. The editor may decide not to accept this paper for publication.
  • Author(s) be permitted to use material from an unpublished presentation, including visual displays, in a subsequent journal publication. If a submitted publication is originally published in another language, the author(s) must identify the original publication's title, date, and journal, and the copyright must be obtained. The editor may accept such a translated publication to bring it to the attention of a wider audience. The editor may select a specific paper that had been published (e.g., a”historic” paper in nursing and health sciences) for republication to provide a better perspective (perspective study) of a series of papers published in one issue of JANH. This republication shall be identified as such. The date and journal of the original publication shall be given, and the permission of the author(s) and the publisher shall be obtained.
  • The JANH author(s) editor for the Journal is responsible for maintaining the list of authors subjected to penalties and will check that no author(s) of a submitted paper are on this list. If a banned author(s) is identified, the author(s) editor will inform the Editor-in-Chief, who will take appropriate measures. This policy will be posted on the website with the instructions for submitting a manuscript, and a copy will be sent to the author(s) with the confirmation email upon initial receipt of their original manuscript.

Therefore, to properly assess whether an author(s) has carried out plagiarism activities, JANH explains this:

  • Literal copying. The author(s) copies another author(s) work verbatim, in whole or in part, without permission or citing or citing the source. This condition can be identified by comparing the original manuscript with manuscripts suspected of plagiarism.
  • Substantial copying. The author(s) reproduces a large part of another author(s) work without permission and acknowledging or citing the source.
  • Paraphrasing. Writers process ideas, words, or phrases from sources into new sentences. This practice becomes unethical when the author(s) does not quote correctly or acknowledge the original work/author(s). This form of plagiarism is a form that is more difficult to identify in the form of publications.



Publication Frequency

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is published quarterly (June and December ).



Article Processing Charges (APC)

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is open-access and freely available online. All published articles are free for anyone to read and download worldwide.

To sustain this model, we now charge author(s) an article processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide, including article production and hosting, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and customer services.

The APC is payable when the manuscript is editorially accepted for publication and is charged to either author(s), funders, or affiliated institutions. The APC is IDR: 450,000 for Indonesian author(s) or USD 50 for non-Indonesian author(s). The payment can be made by bank transfer. Information regarding the bank account is emailed to the corresponding author(s).



Corrections, Retractions, Expressions of Concern, and Withdrawal Policy

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) ensures that all of its published journals follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf) and the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/guidance).

The JANH aims to ensure the integrity of the academic record of all published or potential publications. Whenever it is recognized that a significant inaccuracy, misleading statement, or distorted report has been published, it must be corrected promptly and with due prominence. If, after an appropriate investigation, an item proves to be fraudulent, it should be retracted. The retraction should be identifiable to readers and indexing systems.


Errors in published papers may be identified as a corrigendum or erratum when the Editor-in-Chief considers it appropriate to inform the journal readership about a previous error and correct it in the published article. The corrigendum or erratum will appear as a new journal article and cite the original published article.


Withdrawal Policy

Article published in JANH will be considered for retraction if: 1) There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either due to error (e.g., data fabrication) or honest mistake (e.g., calculation error or experimental error). 2) Previous findings have been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification (i.e., a case of over-publication). 3) There is evidence of plagiarism. 4) The paper reports unethical research practices. The retraction process adheres to the Retraction Guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which can be accessed at RETRACTION GUIDELINES.


Retractions are considered and published when severe errors in an article invalidate the conclusions. Retractions are also made in cases where there is evidence of publication malpractice, such as plagiarism, duplicate publication, or unethical research.

According to industry best practice and by COPE guidelines, AME implements the following procedure if a retraction is confirmed:

  • A retraction note titled”Retraction: [article title]” signed by the author(s) and/or the editor is published in a subsequent journal issue and listed in the contents list.
  • In the electronic version, a link is made to the original article.
  • The online article is preceded by a screen containing the retraction note. It is to this screen that the link resolves; the reader can then proceed to the article itself.
  • The original article is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the HTML and PDF indicating on each page that it has been ”retracted.”

Article deletion: legal restrictions

Deleting articles from an online database may be necessary in a very limited number of cases. This will only happen where the article is defamatory or violates someone else's legal rights, or where the article is, or we have good reason to expect it, the subject of a court order, or where the article, if followed up, can pose serious health risks. In this case, while the metadata (Title and Author(s)) will be retained, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating the article has been removed for legal reasons.

Article Substitution

In cases where the article, if followed up, could pose a serious health risk, the original article writer might want to revoke the original and replace it with an improved version. In this case, the procedure for revocation will be followed the difference that the database revocation notification will publish a link to the re-published article that has been corrected and the document history.

Editorial expressions of concern

Where substantial doubt arises about the honesty or integrity of a submitted or published article, journal editors may consider issuing an expression of concern. However, expressions of concern should only be issued if an investigation into the problems relating to the article has proven inconclusive and if there remain strong indicators that the concerns are valid. Under some rare cases, an editorial expression of concern may also be issued when an investigation is underway, but a judgment will not be available for a considerable time. The expression of concern will be linked back to the published article it relates to.

The mechanism follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, accessed at https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines. The document is shown below for the author(s) convenience.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the Journal Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Advertising Policy

The editorial team will not be affected by advertisements. Ads can appear in print or online, depending on demand. For any questions, contact the Chief Editor of the Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH): (WhatsApp) +62-85733878003; email: journal.anh@gmail.com


Copyright Notice

In the context of open-access publishing, the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license plays a crucial role in ensuring the free and unrestricted use of scholarly works. This license enables authors, readers, and publishers to share knowledge and contribute to the global academic community while maintaining proper attribution and encouraging the distribution of derivative works under the same license. The following outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party under the CC BY-SA license:

For Authors: Authors retain the copyright of their works published in JANH. However, these works are licensed under CC BY-SA, which allows others to copy, distribute, or adapt the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original author. Authors are also free to republish or modify their work, but any derivative works must be distributed under the same license (ShareAlike).

For Readers: Readers are granted the freedom to access, download, copy, distribute, and create derivative works from articles published in JANH, even for commercial purposes. However, any modified or redistributed material must adhere to the ShareAlike condition, meaning derivative works must be distributed under the same license. Readers must also provide proper attribution to the author and include a link to the original license.

For Publishers: As a publisher, JANH does not claim copyright over the published works but ensures that all materials are licensed under CC BY-SA. Publishers are responsible for maintaining the quality of peer review, providing open access to readers, and ensuring that published works are not subject to additional restrictions that violate the terms of the license. All published materials must remain accessible without limitations, and proper attribution must be included in any reuse of the works.


The JANH  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY-SA.





Digital Archiving Policy


The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) utilizes the PKP PN, LOCKSS, and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries. It permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.



The Internet Archive was established in 1996 to maintain a historical record of the World Wide Web. Its goal is to preserve human knowledge and culture by creating an Internet library for researchers, historians, and scholars. The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) maintains continuous article storage in the Internet Archive.




The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) Supports the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol (OAI-PMH Version 2.0) as an Organization committed to the broader dissemination of knowledge. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is used to govern the collection of metadata descriptions and enables other archives to access the JANH database. Open Archives Initiative has developed the protocol to ensure interoperability standards to ease and promote broader and more efficient dissemination of information within the scientific community. Metadata for the published articles is available via our interface at




Deposit Policy

The Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) allows the author(s) to store versions of their work at other institutions or repositories of their choice. Author(s)  are permitted to save versions of journal articles in the form of the sent version (preprint), the version received by the author(s) (the manuscript received by the author(s) or the Author(s) Accepted Manuscript), or the published version (version of record), An embargo may not be applied.


Data Sharing Policy

Sharing the full data sets underlying the results in the author(s) article brings many benefits. It enables reuse, reduces research waste, and promotes collaboration. Greater transparency increases trust in research results by allowing results to be independently verified. These benefits lead to a more reliable evidence base and a healthier world. Author(s) submitting their research article to this journal are encouraged to deposit research data as a supplementary file during submission or in a relevant data repository and cite and link to this dataset in their article. If this is not possible, the author(s) are encouraged to make a statement explaining why research data cannot be shared. Sharing the Author(s) data helps the author(s) get credit for the author(s) work and makes author(s) data accessible and discoverable for author(s) peers.

The policies on data sharing:

  • We require that the data generated by author(s) research that supports the author(s) article be made openly and publicly available upon publication of the author(s) article. It should be shared through a controlled access repository where it is not possible or viable to make data openly available (due to confidentiality or sensitivity issues).
  • We strongly encourage data generated by author(s) research that supports the author(s) article to be made available as soon as possible, wherever legally and ethically possible.
  • We require data from clinical trials to be made available upon reasonable request.
  • We require that a data-sharing plan be included with clinical trial registration. Changes to the plan must be noted in the Data Availability Statement and updated in the registry record (to comply with ICMJE recommendations)
  • We strongly encourage data generated by author(s) research that supports the author(s) article to be made available as soon as possible, wherever legally and ethically possible.

Data Availability Statement

The JANH requires a Data Availability Statement for any submitted research articles. On submission, author(s) are asked to select at least one of the standardized Data Availability Statements text options below in bold as applicable and to supplement these statements with additional information noted in the guidance below. Author(s) can select multiple statements if they have data under different conditions. The ICMJE recommendations provide further guidance on how to compose a rich statement.

These statements will be published under the header ‘Data Availability Statement’ within the footnotes section of the final published article.

  • Data are available in a public, open-access repository. Please state the repository name, the persistent URL, and any conditions of reuse (e.g., license, embargo). All data publicly available and used in the writing of an article should be cited in the text and the reference list, whether they are data generated by the author(s) or by other researchers.
  • Data are available upon reasonable request. Please state what the data are (e.g., deidentified participant data), who the data are available from, and their publishable contact details (e.g., a generic lab email address or an individual’s ORCID identifier – please ensure author(s) have permission), and under what conditions reuse is permitted. Is additional information available (e.g., protocols, statistical analysis plans)?
  • Data may be obtained from a third party and are not publicly available. Please state what the data are (e.g., deidentified participant data), who the data are available from, and their publishable contact details (e.g., a generic lab email address or an individual’s ORCID identifier – please ensure author(s) have permission), and under what conditions reuse is permitted. Is there additional information available (e.g., protocols, statistical analysis plans)
  • All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information. Please ensure this does not include patient-identifiable data. Please state ‘Not applicable in the free text box.
  • Data sharing is not applicable as no datasets were generated and/or analyzed for this study. Please state ‘Not applicable' in the free text box.


No data are available. Please state ‘Not applicable in the free text box.

Data availability statements commonly take one of the following forms:

  • The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available in the [NAME] repository, [PERSISTENT WEB LINK TO DATASETS].
  • The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author(s) upon reasonable request.
  • All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article (and its supplementary information files).
  • The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to [REASON(S) WHY DATA ARE NOT PUBLIC] but are available from the corresponding author(s) upon reasonable request.
  • Data sharing does not apply to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.
  • The data supporting this study's findings are available from [THIRD PARTY NAME]. However, restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study and are not publicly available. Data are, however, available from the author(s) upon reasonable request and with permission of [THIRD PARTY NAME].

Without specific instructions from a journal, the editor-author (s) can use or adapt the statement(s) above. Depending on the nature of the research, several statements may need to be combined.


Repository Policy

Journal of Applied Nursing and Health permits authors to deposit all versions of their work in an institutional or subject repository. JANH allow all versions to be deposited in an institusional or other repository of the author's choice without embargo. Police Recorded also in Sherpa/Romeo


Open Access Policy


Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is direct open access to download and access published articles. The publisher recommends continuing to update science based on the evidence base.

Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking the publisher's or the author's prior permission. This is under the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of open access.

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This journal (p-ISSN: 2667-1609, e-ISSN: 2809-3208) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Initiative for Open Citations

I40C – Initiative for Open Citations

The Initiative for Open Citations I4OC is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers, and other interested parties to promote the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data.

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Publication Information

  • Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH)
  • E-ISSN: 0000-000; ISSN: 2667-1609
  • Abbreviated journal title: JANH, meaning Journal of Applied Nursing and Health
  • For 2021, Volume 1 is scheduled for online management and open-access publication.
  • Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute publishes the JANH.



Publisher Disclaimer

Opinions expressed in manuscripts or articles published in the Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or the publisher.



License Police

This journal (p-ISSN: 2667-1609, e-ISSN: 2809-3208) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY-SA.