Call for Reviewer
JANH Call For Reviewer 2022
A journal article without doi
Suryani, L. (2019). Effectiveness Of Home Visit On Drug Compliance In Adult Hipertens In Gadung Puskesmas Buol District. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 1(1), 1–5.
Two authors (a journal article with doi)
Arso Wibowo, D., & Adianti, N. (2021). The Motivation of Adolescents in Preventing Gastritis Return in SMP Negeri 1 Karangjati, Karangjati District, Ngawi Regency. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 3(2), 90–95.
Three authors
Sumiari, N. M. K., Lutfiana, I., & Dewi, P. D. P. K. (2021). Midwife, Counseling And Adolescent Reproductive Health Rights In The Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 3(2), 126–135.
Four to seven authors
Dodok, Y., Guntur, A., Indriyawati, & Wicaksono, K. E. . (2022). Behavioral Differences In Seeking Help For Mental Health Among Generation Z From The Kodi People Group And The Madurese Ethnic Group. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 4(1), 78–85.
More than seven authors
Susanti, M., Kristianingsih, A., Nurhickmah, N., Lestari, M. D., Haning, F., Lestari, I., Safitri, E., & Wahyuni, D. (2022). Factors Associated With The Choice Of Place For Delivery Assistance To Pregnant Women In The Third Trimester. Journal of Applied Nursing and Health, 4(1), 40–50.
Non-English journal article
Bussières, E.-L., St-Germain, A., Dubé, M., & Richard, M.-C. (2017). Efficacité et efficience des programmes de transition à la vie adulte: Une revue systématique [Effectiveness and efficiency of adult transition programs: A systematic review]. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 58, 354–365.
No author
Vitamin K for newborns. (2016). Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 61(5), 675-676.
Book with one author
Jones, R. (2007). Nursing leadership and management: Theories, process and practice. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.
One author (a book chapter)
Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
One author, multiple works published in the same year
Rush, E., McLennan, S., Obolonkin, V., Cooper, R., & Hamlin, M. (2015a). Beyond the randomised controlled trial and BMI--evaluation of effectiveness of through-school nutrition and physical activity programmes. Public Health Nutrition, 18(9), 1578–1581.
Rush, E. C., Obolonkin, V., Battin, M., Wouldes, T., & Rowan, J. (2015b). Body composition in offspring of New Zealand women: Ethnic and gender differences at age 1–3 years in 2005–2009. Annals of Human Biology, 42(5), 492–497.
Non-English book
Setyoadi, K. (2011). Terapi modalitas keperawatan pada klien psikogeriatrik [Nursing modality therapy for psychogeriatric clients]. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
No author
The CCH Macquarie dictionary of business. (1993). North Ryde, Australia: CCH Australia.
Webpage - with author
Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour modification. Retrieved from
Webpage - no author
Behaviour modification. (2007). Retrieved from
Webpage - no date
Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.). About clinical psychology. Retrieved from
Published conference paper
Scheinin, P. (2009). Using student assessment to improve teaching and educational policy. In M. O'Keefe, E. Webb, & K. Hoad (Eds.), Assessment and student learning: Collecting, interpreting and using data to inform teaching (pp. 12-14). Melbourne, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Unpublished conference paper
Bowden, F.J., & Fairley, C.K. (1996, June). Endemic STDs in the Northern Territory: Estimations of effective rates of partner change. Paper presented at the Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians, Darwin.
Government report - print
Productivity Commission. (1999). Australia's gambling industries : inquiry report (No. 10). Melbourne, Australia: Productivity Commission.
Government report - online
Australian Communications and Media Authority. (2011). Enduring concepts: communications and media in Australia. Retrieved from
Unpublished thesis
Rahman, M. (2013). Using authentic materials in the writing classes: Tertiary level scenario. (Unpublished master's thesis). BRAC University, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Thesis retrieved from website
Axford, J.C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacific Island community conserved areas? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia). Retrieved from
Thesis retrieved from database
Sheehan, L. R. (2007). Destination management organizations: A stakeholder perspective (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Proquest Digital Dissertations. (AAT NR25719)
Acceptance Rate: 66%
Rejection Rate: 34%
Desk Reject Rate: 30%
JANH Call For Reviewer 2022
Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera
Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute
Address: Perdana Street, Kwadungan Permai, A 45-46, Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, East Java, Republic of Indonesia, Southeast Asia,
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