The Role of Competence and Compensation on Lecturer Performance
Competence, Compensation, Lecturer PerformanceAbstract
Background: One important component in the process of higher education is Human Resources (HR), in this case, namely lecturers, who are also assisted by other components that support the implementation of education in higher education. The purpose of this study was to findout the effect of competence and compensation on the performance of lecturers at the Nursing Academy of the Government of Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province
Methods: The population and sample were all Lecturers of the Lahat Regency Government Nursing Academy, totaling 30 people who were willing become respondents and research samples. Research variables consist of independent and dependent variable. Independent variables consisting of competency and compensation variables, while the dependent variable is Lecturer Performance. Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression analysis to test how much influence the independent variables have on the dependent variable and the T-test Used to test the significant level of influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable.
Results: The results, based on linear regression analysis, obtained a constant value of 1.804, the coefficient value of the Competency variable of 0.470, and Compensation of 0.251 partially that Competence and Compensation have a positive effect on performance. this can be seen from the resulting positive regression equation and this means that if Competence and Compensation are increased, the Lecturer Performance will increase. The Competency variable that has the most dominant influence because the regression coefficient value is the largest, namely 0.470 and followed by the Compensation variable of 0.251.
Conclusion: This research has proven that cmpentency and compensation have a significant effect on lecturer performance, so for further research it is recommended to examine other variables outside of this variable
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