Call for Reviewer
JANH Call For Reviewer 2022
Articles submitted to the JANH should not exceed 7000 words for the main text, including abstract, tables, and references. But, in some cases, 10,000 words are allowed if needed. A minimum of 5000 words of the main text of the manuscript will be considered as an original research article.
Methods should be structured, including:
Explain the sample selection, inclusion criteria, and its calculation separately for quantitative and qualitative strands.
Data Collection
Explain the procedure of data collection for both qualitative and quantitative strands. Describe when and where the data were collected in each step, and describe who collect the data.
Data Analysis
Additionally, explain the procedures and statistical analyses that will synthesise the findings of the Quant and Qual components of the study.
Validity and Reliability/ Trustworthiness
Provide types of and estimates for trustworthiness of qualitative data, including types of dependability and credibility used, and the psychometric properties of quantitative instruments. If tools were developed for this study, describe the processes employed, including validity and reliability testing.
Ethical Considerations
Conclusions are made short with no numbering; conclusions simply answer the objectives or hypotheses of the study. Conclusions are written critically, meticulously, logically, and honestly on the basis of the facts obtained. There should be no more discussion in conclusions and consist of only one paragraph. If there is any suggestion in the conclusion, then the suggestion becomes one with the conclusion (no need to create a new sub-chapter) by simply creating a new paragraph after the conclusion paragraph. Suggestions should be in accordance with the research implications and not ridiculous.)
Acceptance Rate: 66%
Rejection Rate: 34%
Desk Reject Rate: 30%
JANH Call For Reviewer 2022
Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera
Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute
Address: Perdana Street, Kwadungan Permai, A 45-46, Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, East Java, Republic of Indonesia, Southeast Asia,
Contact Info: Whatsapp. +62 857 3387 8003;
Journal of Applied Nursing and Health (JANH) is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.