Guidelines for Mixed Method

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Articles submitted to the JANH should not exceed 7000 words for the main text, including abstract, tables, and references. But, in some cases, 10,000 words are allowed if needed. A minimum of 5000 words of the main text of the manuscript will be considered as an original research article. 



  • Write a structured abstract, including 4 headings: Background and Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The abstract should not be more than 350 words.
  • Background: one or two sentences of background, the purpose of the study
  • Methods: written in order of type of research: Research design, population, sampling technique, sampling size, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, measured variables (dependent variable, dependent variable), research instrument, basic procedure, explanation of ethical clearance, statistical test
  • Result: Provide a brief summary of the findings
  • Conclusion: Contains research conclusions (not reading statistical results) and recommendations for research results
  • Keywords: 3–6 words or short phrases that will allow proper and convenient indexing.




  • Clearly identify the research problem, rationale, context, and international relevance of the topic.
  • Provide the gap to show the significance of your study (nursing significance).
  • Present the scientific, conceptual or theoretical framework that guided the study, identifying and providing an overview of the conceptual model and/or theory where appropriate. 
  • Explain connections between study variables and support those connections with relevant theoretical and empirical literature.
  • Explain the connections between the scientific hypothesis, conceptual model or theory and the study variables. 
  • Aim(s): State the aims of the study as a narrative study purpose or as research questions or hypotheses to be tested at the end of introduction. For example, ‘The aim of the study was to…’



Methods should be structured, including: 


  • Identify the specific mixed method research design used, i.e., primarily qualitative with a quantitative component, or primarily quantitative with a qualitative component. Also identify the specific quantitative and qualitative approaches.
  • In line with the guidance supplied above, for both the quantitative and qualitative components of the study supply details of:


Explain the sample selection, inclusion criteria, and its calculation separately for quantitative and qualitative strands.

Data Collection

Explain the procedure of data collection for both qualitative and quantitative strands. Describe when and where the data were collected in each step, and describe who collect the data. 

Data Analysis

Additionally, explain the procedures and statistical analyses that will synthesise the findings of the Quant and Qual components of the study.

Validity and Reliability/ Trustworthiness

Provide types of and estimates for trustworthiness of qualitative data, including types of dependability and credibility used, and the psychometric properties of quantitative instruments. If tools were developed for this study, describe the processes employed, including validity and reliability testing.

Ethical Considerations

  • Identify any particular ethical issues that were attached to this research. Provide a statement of ethics committee approval. Do not name the university or other institution from which ethics committee approval was obtained; state only that ethics committee approval was obtained from a university and/or whatever other organisation is relevant.
  • Explain any other approvals obtained, for example, local site arrangements to meet research governance requirements. If, according to local regulations, no formal ethical scrutiny was required or undertaken, please state this.
  • The complete name of the institution and approval number should be stated in the title page.



  • The presentation of the results is according to the mixed-methods design used by the authors. Both quantitative and qualitative results can be combined or explained separately.
  • Start with a description of the actual sample. For example, ‘The study participants ranged in age from X to Y years…’.
  • Present results explicitly in relation to the study aim(s).
  • For the qualitative data, identify the themes or categories and provide data to support each theme or category, such as quotations from participants.
  • For the quantitative data, present results explicitly for research question or hypothesis. Indicate whether each hypothesis was supported or declined.
  • Component findings may either be presented separately or in combination.
  • Use subheadings as appropriate.



  • Discussion must be in relation to the conceptual or theoretical framework and existing literature. Do previous research findings match or differ from yours?
  • Draw conclusions about what new knowledge has emerged from the study. For example, this new knowledge could contribute to new conceptualisations or question existing ones; it could lead to the development of tentative/substantive theories (or even hypotheses), it could advance/question existing theories or provide methodological insights, or it could provide data that could lead to improvements in practice. Be explicit about the contribution of the combined / synthesized findings, and of this particular approach.
  • End with study limitations including but not confined to sample representativeness and/or sample size, transferability of the qualitative findings, and generalizability/external validity of quantitative results.
  • Identify implications/recommendations for practice/research/education/management as appropriate, and consistent with the limitations.



Conclusions are made short with no numbering; conclusions simply answer the objectives or hypotheses of the study. Conclusions are written critically, meticulously, logically, and honestly on the basis of the facts obtained. There should be no more discussion in conclusions and consist of only one paragraph. If there is any suggestion in the conclusion, then the suggestion becomes one with the conclusion (no need to create a new sub-chapter) by simply creating a new paragraph after the conclusion paragraph. Suggestions should be in accordance with the research implications and not ridiculous.)



  • Contribution of each researcher in carrying out the publication
  • Duties and roles of the author in the publication process
  • Author contributions using CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)
  • Example: “Author A contribution to……., Author B Contribution to…….”



  • In this section, the authors should declare any conflicts of interest, sources of support for the work, and whether the authors had access to the study data.
  • If it's not there, just give a declaration like “The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper” or “There is no conflict of interest”



  • Personal acknowledgments should be limited to appropriate professionals who contributed to the paper, including providing technical help and financial or material support, and to department chairpersons who provided general support
  • Acknowledgment is given to the funding sources of study (donor agency, the contract number, the year of acceptance) and those who support that funding. The names of those who support or assist the study are written clearly. Names that have been mentioned as the authors of the manuscripts are not allowed here).
  • Acknowledgments to the parties or partners who contributed to the research
  • Acknowledgments if publication is part of a Research Grant



  • Authors are recommended to use reference management software, (Mendeley, EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.) in writing citations and references. which are based on APA 7th Edition(American Psychological Association).
  • Minimum 20 references from 10 years ago from Reputable articles or journals. Articles that have a minimum of references from journals are 80%.
  • In the reference, include the DOI or URL of the cited article
  • Avoid using abstracts as references.
  • Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as “unpublished observations” with written permission from the source. Papers accepted but not yet published may be included as references; designate the journal and add “Forthcoming”.
  • Avoid citing “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available publicly; name the person and date of communication and obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of personal communication.
  • Click Here [Exemple of References]