Effectiveness Range of Motion Therapy and Warm Water Compresses on Increasing Muscle Strength in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients: Scoping Review
Range of Motion, Stroke, Muscle Strength, Warm Water CompressesAbstract
Background: Stroke is the most common cause of disease in the world and is the highest cause of death in Indonesia, so prevention is essential to minimize disability and stroke death. To restore and increase muscle strength in stroke patients, the solution is to do Range Of Motion (ROM) Exercises and Warm Compresses. This Scoping Review aimed to identify the effectiveness of Range Of Motion therapy and warm compresses on increasing muscle strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients.
Methods: The method used is a Scoping Review using journal databases from PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar in the range of 2020-2023 with the keywords "Range Of Motion Therapy", "Warm Compress", "Muscle strength" and "Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke" and stroke obtained as many as 2381 articles.
Results: Search for articles according to the criteria and get 10 ready to be reviewed. The articles describe the effectiveness of ROM therapy and warm compresses in increasing muscle strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients.
Conclusion: It is expected in stroke patients to attempt to control Range Of Motion therapy and warm water compresses.
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